The American Revolution and a New Government
The Balance of Government: Our Government's Seesaw
If you've ever ridden a seesaw, you know how it seems to work just right when the person on the other end weighs the same as you. The U.S. Government is made up of three different branches, and they all carry the same weight. Learn about these three branches at this web site. They are: the Legislative branch (Congress), the Executive branch (the President), and the Judicial branch (the Supreme Court). Learn about the different responsibilities of each branch, and how all three of them work together. If you want to test your knowledge, click over to the next page to find a short quiz.
Topic: Separation of powers (Checks and balances), Federal government Language: English Lexile: BR
Memorial Hall Museum Online American Centuries ... view from New England
Bill of Rights: the first ten amendments to the Constitution that were adopted in 1791. These are the basic rights that all Americans have and its purpose is protect the people from the government.
Constitution Facts: Real or Fake
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