The Circulatory System
Heart and Circulatory System
See how your heart and your circulatory system work together to keep you going. This Kids Health Body Basics article has a great explanation of what the cardiovascular system is and how it works. The main functions of the heart in the circulatory system are described. Find out what job is done by the pulmonary artery. There is a list of and descriptions about the things that can go wrong with the heart and circulatory system.
Topic: Cardiovascular system Language: English, Spanish Lexile: 1220 Audio Interactive
The important job done by the human heart is explained at this web site. Understand how the circulatory system works as you see an animation of blood traveling through the body. Definitions are given for the arteries, capillaries and veins, and the structure of the heart is described. There is an animation of the cardiac cycle. See what makes a heart beat and learn about the heart beat rate. Find out what factors affect heart beat rate and blood pressure.
Topic: Heart, Blood--Circulation, Blood pressure Language: English Lexile: 820 Interactive
Circulatory System
This collection of information and multimedia items provides you with an abundance of information on the circulatory system. You will find an overview that tells you about the functions and the parts of the circulatory system and then you will find pictures and presentations, a wide selection of quiz games that are arranged according to grade level, and a large selection of videos on circulation, the heart, the red blood cell, and of course the circulatory system. You will even be able to access other online games and puzzles as well.
Topic: Cardiovascular system, Blood--Circulation Language: English Lexile: 1060 Video
The circulation of blood through the body is one of the most important functions necessary in keeping a person alive. Blood travels through the body in veins and arteries to achieve this function. This site talks about the human circulatory system and how it works, including links to blood vessels, blood and blood cells, tissue fluid and the lymphatic system. There are also pictures provided of artery and vein tissue, as well as the structure and function of blood vessels in detail.
Topic: Blood--Circulation Language: English
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