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Culture and Traditions from the Spanish Speaking World

Spanish Speaking Countries

Country and Capital Spain - Madrid

North & Central America
Country and Capital Costa Rica - San Jose
El Salvador - San Salvador
Guatemala - Guatemala City
Honduras - Tegucigalpa
Mexico - Mexico City
Nicaragua - Managua
Panama - Panama

Countries of South America
Country and Capital Argentina - Buenos Aires
Bolivia - Sucre
Chile - Santiago
Colombia - Bogotá
Ecuador - Quito
Paraguay - Asunción
Peru - Lima
Uruguay - Montevideo
Venezuela - Caracas

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Myths and Legends
Food from the Americas
Spain's fairs
Typical Dances
Fabrics and Weaving
Good Luck
Street Performers
National Flags


Countries around the world and USA and individual states. Available in French and Spanish.
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Diversity Studies Collection
"...explores cultural differences, contributions and influences in our global community. 150 journals accessed daily.

Encyclopædia Britannica and Online School Edition

Spanish Edition: Moderna (9-12)


Fairs, Festivals and Fiestas

How Quinceañeras Work

La Quinceañera

Quinceanera Tradition

Charros and Charreadas, a Mexican tradition

Centro de Textiles

Colores del Pueblo Fair Trade Handicrafts, Textiles, Clothing, and Fabric

Traditional Art of South America - USA Today

The Blessing of Soccer

The Politics of Football in Latin America

Spanish Foods

History of Totillas

Hispanic Heritage

History of Mariarchi Music

Saying Good Luck in Spanish

Mexico and Central America Gallery
Mesoamerican cultures varied from small farming villages to entire empires with kings, cities, and vast trade networks. Some built elaborate pyramids and monuments, developed calendars and writing systems, and had ritual ceremonies for their gods and ancestors. The development of elaborate civilizations required agriculture and a varied food supply before civilizations had time for building monument and carving jade. Trade with the Maya provided goods like chocolate, feathers, and jade to the Aztec Empire. Investigate Mayan hieroglyphics presevred on stone stelae, altars, pottery, and bark-paper books.  Topic: Indians of Central America--Antiquities, Egyptian Hieroglyphics  Language: English   Lexile: 1490      http://www.penn.museum

Background Note: Paraguay
Home to the world's largest hydroelectric generation facility, Paraguay possesses abundant hydroelectric resources. Despite this seeming wealth, however, the country--which supports a primarily agricultural economy dependent on the export grains, soybeans, sugar, cotton, and timber--is also home to a large population of people who live at subsistence level. Learn this and more through the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, background note--an excellent introduction to the geography, economy, people, culture, and history of Paraguay. Topic: Paraguay   Language: English    Lexile: 1250      http://www.state.gov

Honduras News: Daily News about Honduras
Honduras News, and online source for daily news about Honduras, contains a wide variety of news articles that offer you insight as to the country's current events. The opening page contains the headlines and excerpts from the most recent featured articles and also the tabs that allow you to access articles related to content. You can search for financial news, general news, environmental news, and human interests. There is another section on the opening page that directs you to articles on Honduran politics, business, economics, and financial news.  Topic: Honduras   Language: English, Spanish   Lexile:1240      News Source    http://www.hondurasnews.com

A collection of news articles from The New York Times archives offers you a wide variety of information on Honduras and the related current events. The opening page offers you background information on the political turmoil that led to the presidency of Lobos and the serious drug war that is plaguing the world. In addition to this article you will find a chronological list of articles from the archives that discuss news events from Honduras. A search tool allows you to search the articles according to term or topic.
Topic: Honduras   Language: English   Lexile: 2010  News Source   http://topics.nytimes.com

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